Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Missing Piece.

Missing Piece

© Danyal Conner
You do what you're suppose to do,
with no frown or fuss.
Not because you want to ,
but because you must.
Day after day
It's like a routine.
Don’t have too much to say,
You only do the right thing. 
Soon you feel empty,
but you don't know what it could be.
You want no sympathy.
But it's something you can't see
Everything used to make sense,
but now you're lost in a maze.
You feel so tense,
and you pray for better days.
Something just doesn't seem right 
You look for an answer that's not there.
You stay awake all night,
But you feel like no one cares.
It's right in your face
and you think it's safe, 
or should you forget?
Things don't seem the same,
But what should you do?
You think you should change,
But change for who?
Understanding means nothing to you now.
Your heart is pronounced deceased
This should you allow ,
or find your missing piece?

   This poem may be one of the more fresher poems I have read, but the poet's contemporary take on life is timeless. To generalize the meaning of the poem, it implies to live your life and follow your heart. I think this appeals to me the most because my heart governs 80% of my life; to the point where I can be wreckless. The poem also talks about "routines" and trying to break them and searching for what is right for ourselves. 

   Being stuck in the same routine everyday is tiring and along the way, you feel hollow inside and unappreciated. I often have the mood like I'm that last slice of bread that nobody wants to eat; unwanted, like people just don't want you. These thoughts may be toxic, but we know that sometimes, the poison is the only cure. I just got to the point where I just had to stop this pity-party. I had to stop trying to fit into the mold that certain people forced me to be. I wasn't happy, and why should I bring that to myself? I believe people should not easily give in to what others say is good or bad, what's acceptable and not, because as long as you know in your heart that you're doing right, and you're not stepping in someone else's feet, there's nothing to worry about. Nobody should ever feel condemned, or think they made a mistake for following their heart. Yes, at times it may be stupid, but that's the beauty of it. Ironically, doing crazy things will lead us to enlightenment. Always being mental and staying inside the box only takes you so far until you realize that there's more to life when you experience it with your heart. 




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Way to go,Christian Benitez.. this is impressive as always. I hear you.. and if I have to give you a piece of advise, it for you to always CHOOSE to be happy! Carpe Diem <3
